HMS Bounty at Albert Dock

I haven’t really done any HDR for quite some time now. A few months ago I felt like I’d over done it, that I just couldn’t figure out what to HDR next. HDR allows me to take a dramatic scene and make it even more dramatic so that people really feel the drama as I did. But after spending a few months shooting the same areas I felt I’d achieved what I wanted to. So I moved on to people because theres always lots of events during the summer that allow me to do street photography, dancers, and all sorts. Now I’m feeling like I miss HDR but I still don’t feel confident to go back to it. I need to find my inspiration again.

One response

  1. I used to feel the same way when I shot urban BW on film. Never one for half measures, I had a red filter and polariser for each lens. Great for drama, but you wonder if you’ve overcooked it sometimes, although for the really ‘personal’ work, I think it’s part of developing your own style. I still keep a polariser glued to the lens, but with digital processing the red is unecessary, giving more flexibilty when shooting.

    Great pic, by the way!