Another Place #3

Another Place #3

The 3rd in the Another Place series today. I so wish I could have turned this statue around as it would have made for a great shot. Like yesterdays there is a slight issue with the sand.

In other news, Friday is 39 Art Day. There are a lot of people in Liverpool showing their support for the day by offering freebies, discounts and various other things. I’ve decided to join in by offering 20% off prints on that day. Dot Art are also doing 20% off, so if you’ve been tempted to buy one of my HDR shots from them, Friday would be the day. I will be making the eclipse image available for purchase too so if you liked it, Friday is 20% off.

Hand held HDR from 3 RAWs // Camera: Canon 30D // Lens: Sigma 10-20 // ISO: 200 // Shutter Speed: 1/125 // Aperture: f/5 // Focal Length: 10mm

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8 responses

  1. Well, I think you’ve saved the best for last – this looks fantastic πŸ˜€

  2. There’s still 2 more to come πŸ˜€

  3. Got no issues with the sand – it’s a great shot!

  4. Man you’re right a front view of these with that sky would have just been amazing. I guess we’ll just have to settle for this equally amazing side view.

  5. Ferry van Noort Avatar
    Ferry van Noort

    Pete this ia a great shot, im learning this and have read you explanation about making HDR on your sit….. but i have a question about this shot, how have you set your cam ? auto braketing or somthing?.



  6. Wow,- just saw this one on your slideshow.. – this is BIG and wonderful πŸ˜‰

  7. wow wo wow this is great i am so glad i spotted it.. definately the photo of the day for me.. great clouds..

  8. Wonderful image and sky – I guess it might be slightly better if the statue was facing more towards the camera but you cant have everything – maybe you should have a word with Mr Gormley!

    I am not sure what the issue with the sand is, as it looks fine to me.

    Like ther tree or whatever it is on the horizon.