Whats up dock?

I went to see HMS Manchester on Sunday and took the opportunity to get some shots of the area. I’d love to explore the docks more, they seem like such a photo op. This is one of the random warehouses there, HDR’d and then cross processed. It’s this seasons Lomo.

3 responses

  1. hasan matar Avatar
    hasan matar

    How did you do the cross processing?

  2. This is the kind of texture and color that I like, I am new at HDR, I will be out this week trying out.

    congratulations!!!! you inspire me….

    I am from Guatemala, hope to share some pics soon….

  3. Tina Dhar Avatar
    Tina Dhar

    What exactly is cross-processing? How do you go about it? Im quite a newbie to the whole concept.
    Btw, I must say your pictures are incredible!