The good ship Balmoral at sunset

Just working through some older pics and found this. Cruise ship Balmoral docked in Liverpool.

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13 responses

  1. More like a painting than a photo. Beautiful colors in the sky.

  2. Whilst there is much that is solidly real about the photo the vibrant colors give the image an ‘illustrative’ look. Good converging lines from the sky and its reflections as well as the walkaway, etc.

  3. Wow, wonderful processing and composition! Great work!

  4. I love the way all the lines in this image, particularly in the sky, converge so well on the ship – really nice and dynamic.

  5. Stunning shot! Very nicely tone mapped.

  6. Nice work. Your HdR is awesome.

  7. Wonderful HDR image (as always). I wonder if you have any tricks or cheats to get rid of some of the HDR weaknesses (e.g. the halo left of the tower on the right side of the picture).

  8. Amazing HDR! Amazing colors! Amazing details!

  9. Great shot, i really like the bright sky’s and the sharpness of the ships details.

  10. Fantastic! I can see this turned into a painting.

  11. Really like this shot plus many others you’ve captured !

    Can you tell me, is this shot plus the majority of your other images HDR processed using 1 RAW file or 3 ?

    Great if you would let me know !

  12. Awfully Awesome!!!!

    What is the camera please? Give us some tips on how u proceed please.