Claire House Xmas Lights

The traditional Claire House Xmas light setup in Pensby on the Wirral. Its always popular with the locals.

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8 responses

  1. Pete,

    There is a credit crunch at the moment. If you want a photo to sell to the local paper, go back to this house, and look for the cable which runs all the way to the nearest lampost!! πŸ™‚

    That must cost an obscene amount of money to run. Lovely colours, especcially in the reflections on the tiles. You seem to get colour in everything.


  2. Hmmmm…. tasteful. Mind you a great capture, great colours on the lights.

  3. It certainly is bright and festive! Nice shot.

  4. This house must be competing with someone. So much light, so much color. My complements to the photographer and housekeeper.

  5. Nice find!…A “power” Christmas…

  6. This is really very well done! And congrats with the Photoblog award. πŸ™‚

  7. Well done, you have succeded with both light and colours here. Happy new year too πŸ™‚

  8. You have amazing colors in your shots! It would be interesting to know how much of it that’s post-processing-work…