Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Sheffield FC vs Inter Milan

Last night I had the privilege of being pitch side for the historic Sheffield FC 150th Anniversary football game. The team is the oldest football club in the world and as such they played a friendly against Inter Milan. The end score was 5-2 to Inter Milan and the crowd loved it. It was my first time shooting football and understandably my 30D just couldn’t keep up. I got photos I was happy with, but I can see why people buy 1D’s.

3 responses

  1. Thanks Pete for coming along, glad you could make it. As expected you did a fantastic job. Thursday night, winter, Sheffield, Pele, wierd!

  2. Very nice series! You’re amazing when it comes to focussing, and I do have to say this series brings art and snapshooting closer together. Kudos!

  3. Nice Result for my Inter…

    1 For 1nter!
