Arbores Laetae – Joyful Trees

So I’m standing there watching 3 trees rotate slowly and I have no idea how to show that in a photo. I take a few photos and well its just some trees. I push the settings as far as I’m willing to go handheld and again its just trees. I push them further while I’m standing on the rotating platform and I get an idea. I dash back to my car for my tripod and set my ND filter to max. I manage to get a 4 second exposure in the middle of the day that really shows what this art piece is about. You stand there watching the trees and the world goes by.

This is a bit of a long shot but I know theres a guy out there who reads this site and mentioned something about the Firefighter games next week. If you could get in touch that’d be great.

One response

  1. Where is this?