A wander around the old town of Zadar in Croatia

After visiting the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, for a day we headed to Zadar for a few days on the beach. I say beach but the Croatian coast is mostly rocks. It is a beautiful coastline but not sandcastle compliant.

Between Zagreb and Zadar is an incredible mountain range that helped keep the Italians out of mainland Croatia when they invaded during WW1. The Italians took the coastline from Zadar down to Kotor with Split in the middle. I’ve never been to Kotor but Split and Zadar are beautiful.

The floor in Zadar is marble and incredibly slippy. Beautiful but slippy as anything. If you visit Zadar try the local Maraschino by Zadarski. You can see the old factory from the old town. It is delicious. We were given a free glass with every meal. Loved it.