Arriving in Budapest in late August and it was hot. Really really hot. We met my wife’s friend there and he lead us to our apartment for the week. It was my first time staying somewhere that wasn’t a hotel and I was a bit nervous. Where does food come from in the morning? (Spoiler: I didn’t die).
Walking through the streets of Budapest and I was anxious. I think it was general anxiety for being in a new place. There was a language barrier that was more complicated than normal. The words seemed unpronounceable in comparison to French or Spanish. Admittedly I studied French and Spanish in school so I had a basic understanding to fall back on. Hungarian was completely foreign to me. I was anxious. Plus it was late and getting dark.
We spent the evening at Ben’s apartment learning about the city and what it was like to live there. Across the road there was a little shop that sold foreign food including industry standard Walkers shortbread. I felt a little less anxious.