Wandering around Toronto

This is my 500th entry to my photoblog. The site uses at least 4gb a month and is nearly 1gb in size. I dread the day when I move hosts.


On Friday I went for a simple wander. I was trying to decide where to go and I figured I might go upto Bay Street where the famous people can be found. I started my journey at the usual place, Union station.


I stopped at Dundas and got a street car which I thought was going east on Younge but instead it went west and I ended up in a technically dodgy area. I’m sure I saw at least one prostitute outside a church and I found this rather funny sign on a hotel.


Whilst walking back to Dundas, since the street car track was being repaired, I spotted an Esso station. You wouldn’t know whether that was in pounds or dollars. 99.5 cents or 99.5 pence.


I arrived back at Dundas and waited.


I kept waiting.


As did everyone else. It turned out there was some problem and the trains had been stopped.


We all went up top and waited for a free bus.


The bus arrived but it was full so I walked up Bay street. It goes past the Toronto University which is huge! This was part of it.


I finally got to the good part of Bay street and found Boba Fett had his own resturant there.


You can tell it was a posh area because they had a Wellness Clinic. One of the features involved mobile phones 😮


Ah yes, the famous nude statue store where you can buy nude statues. Some are unarmed too.


A rather odd statue. This one wasn’t for sale.


This girl was trying to get people to enter a competition to win a Mustang. Mustangs are really common there and a nice sight.


A standard issue crossing sign.


Apparently there is a lot of taxi cab voilence in Toronto at the moment.


I don’t know what this was about but it was quite nice to look at.


I saw quite a few bikes like this with flowers in. Its a nice sight to see.


This guy was really odd and had quite a bit to say about his situation.


Kinda odd graffitti in the university area.


My journey ended in Chinatown where this guy was having fun with his grandson I think.


For tea we went to Hooters. Everyone should go once. Its a really hyped up place and yet it was rather disapointing. The women don’t really smile. Still, it was an experience.

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