Queen Mary 2 in the Liverpool Bay. It was great to see this giant ship on the horizon getting closer and closer. The weather was incredible. Glorious sunshine and no wind. The Mersey was beautifully calm. I tried a bit of videoing with my D90 to capture the fireworks and the departure of the QM2. It’s really not as polished as the photos but it captures something the photos do not, sound. You can hear the deep bellow of the QM2’s horn but more importantly you can hear the crowd. I’ve never heard the crowd cheer as loudly as they did the other night. Maybe it was because “You’ll never walk alone” was playing or maybe it was because everyone was having a fantastic time due to the warm weather, the great fireworks and the excellent atmosphere. All I know is that there was a huge crowd down there cheering as this giant ship left Liverpool. That was really something.
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