One step forward, one step back

One Step Forward, One Step Back

Ozzie Yue at the Anglican Cathedral as part of One Step Forward, One Step Back. In all honesty I have no idea where I was for this photo. The performance takes over all the little hidden areas of the cathedral in an amazing way. At one point I came across a room full of Santas. In this photo Ozzie Yue is sorting words from the hymn Jerusalem. In an earlier scene these words are missing from a book and the audience travels to the library to see Ozzie Yue searching for key words. Originally I was going to get a shot from up high, very high of the choir. But my god that cathedral is scary. You take 1 lift, then another and run up some steps out onto a narrow walkway. You’re basically at the highest point inside the cathedral. I so wanted to take a photo. I told myself to get the shot. I was right there with the 10-20 and it was a good spot. I just couldn’t walk forward. Its the 2nd time that the inside of the cathedral has defeated me. I’ll normally do what it takes to get the photo but last night all I could think was that I would fall if I tried. Such a shame. I couldn’t even take a bad photo holding my camera over the ledge and hoping I got something, just to show the height.